Driven by family, fueled by excellence:

Your trusted petroleum partner

In the early 2000s, Troy Company Inc. (Troy Co.) was founded by the late, brilliant, Dr. G.E. Gray. Troy Co. positioned itself to be a successful mid-market traditional petroleum distributor to federal and state governments. In its inaugural years, Troy Co. played a historic role in the petroleum distribution world by being one of only three Small Business Administration (SBA) certified Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SBD) and Historically Underutilized Zone Businesses (HUBZone) throughout the United States. The objective was to capitalize on available opportunities and create a positive influence; mission accomplished. For over two decades Troy Co., led by Dr. G.E. Gray and Mary R., his life partner, have maintained great success. 

In 2024, Mary, an invaluable member of Troy Co., intends to pay homage to Dr. G.E. Gray’s legacy by continuing to foster and maintain mutually beneficial, long-term partnerships. Unlike some competitors, Troy Co. prioritizes maintaining fair and transparent pricing structures. By keeping their markup low, Troy Co. will ensure that you receive competitive rates without sacrificing quality. As such, Troy Co. understands the importance of a seamless and dependable supply chain. With our extensive network and efficient logistics, we guarantee timely deliveries to meet customers operational needs without interruption. Customer satisfaction always has been and continues to be our top priority. 

To maintain success and encourage more growth, Mary has expanded her team to add Jurrell and Ryann Casey — Gerald and Mary’s son-in-law and daughter.